EEG Addresses Discord Rumors between Nicholas Tse and Eldest Son, Lucas Tse

EEG Addresses Discord Rumors between Nicholas Tse and Eldest Son, Lucas Tse

Hong Kong media outlets have been reporting on recent rumors that Nicholas Tse (謝霆鋒) and Cecilia Cheung’s (張栢芝) eldest son, Lucas Tse (謝振軒), allegedly expressing dissatisfaction at his father in a recent interview. The reports allegedly claim Lucas Tse resented Nicholas Tse for being cold towards him, saying, “Myself and little brother (Quintus Tse) don’t see him often because he’s very busy. I was sick and little brother had a fever. Only mom accompanied us.”

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When these reports surfaced, Nicholas Tse’s manager, Mani Fok (霍汶希), declined to respond. Nicholse Tse’s management company, EEG, issued a statement today stating those reports are misleading and false. They also clarified, “My artist (Nicholas Tse) and his son’s relationship is good. They get along well. These misleading titles and false reports are damaging, insulting, and inflammatory remarks are continuing to grow online. This severely creates trouble and impacts to the children. My artist will use his utmost power to protect the children to avoid them being unnecessarily impacted.” EEG also urged the media to think about the children and to stop distributing anymore misleading or false reports that will disturb their lifestyle.

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Majority of netizens didn’t believe the reports as there were no solid evidence supporting these claims. Nicholas Tse is also often seen spending time with his children, proving their strong relationships. There were also some netizens who left comments saying, “Daddy is busy falling in love.”, “Won’t comment on how the parents are, but hope they accompany their children more.”, “Normal, mommy has been raising them all along, right? Unless he wants to fight for custody of his children with mommy?”

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Credit: hk01,, Nicholas Tse IG