Company Denies Rumors “Youth With You 3” Trainee, Jaydon Chen Junyu, is about to be a Father and Cheated on His Pregnant Girlfriend

Company Denies Rumors Youth With You 3 Trainee, Jaydon Chen Junyu, is about to be a Father and Cheated on His Pregnant Girlfriend

There were recent rumors circulating about a “Youth With You 3” (青春有你 3) vocal trainee from the B class who has a pregnant girlfriend that is about to give birth. The rumor states she was already pregnant last September while he was auditioning for the show. It goes on to say the girlfriend wanted to get an abortion, but this trainee kneeled on the floor and begged her not to go through with it, which she didn’t. Some netizens started pointing out the trainee is Jaydon Chen Junyu (陈俊宇).

In addition to the pregnancy rumors, there are claims Jaydon Chen cheated on her and maintained intimate relationships with other girls during her pregnancy. This netizen claims the girlfriend has more concrete evidence, but isn’t revealing it yet in fear of retaliation from his company. A netizen found a picture Jaydon Chen drew on the show of a male and female holding a child, which seemed to give credence to the rumors.

On March 16, Jaydon Chen’s company issued a legal notice denying the rumors and stated the online rumors such as, “Chen Junyu to be a father”, “Chen Junyu cheating”, and other malicious content have slandered Mr. Chen Juyu and severely disparaged his reputation.” They have warned the accounts spreading the rumors to immediately delete the content. His company also stated they will definitely pursue legal action against the people spreading the rumors.

Credit: Weibo (1, 2, 3)

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