Zhang Heng Granted Sole-Decision Making Authority, while Zheng Shuang Given Limited Custodial Rights

Zhang Heng Granted Sole-Decision Making Authority, while Zheng Shuang Given Limited Custodial Rights

On May 13, 4:40 am, which is May 12, 2:40 pm Denver time, Zhang Heng (张恒) announced the court had reached a verdict on his custody battle with Zheng Shuang (郑爽). Zhang Heng stated he had just received the notice from the Denver courts that he been awarded “Parenting Solo Decision-Making Authority” for their son and daughter. Based on Colorado’s child custody laws:

Sole decision making” means that only one of the parents makes the major decisions regarding the health, education and general welfare of the child, including religious upbringing.

Men’s Rights Law

Zhang Heng also revealed, “At the same time, the court also granted Ms. Zheng Shuang a small amount of custodial time. I am very relieved and also willing to believe Ms. Zheng Shuang will do her best to fulfill the responsibilities and obligations to become a good mother in the future to allow the children to grow up without regrets.”

Aside from the custody battle verdict, Zhang Heng also apologized to his children, saying, “Up to this day, I have become a father for over 500 days. But honestly speaking, I am sorry to you, my children. I am not your good father. I didn’t give you guys a complete family and didn’t let you guys have a day of motherly love. These days, I have been thinking about what the role of a dad really means? I only came up with one answer — responsibility. This is also the basis of a man. Daddy did a lot of wrong things. I can only face it directly, apologize, repent, to make it up a bit to you, my children. If one day, you guys grow up and see this this apology letter, daddy still needs to say to you guys: ‘Sorry, my children. please accept daddy’s apology!’.”

Zhang Heng also apologized to his parents for their sacrifices because of him. He said, “For me and the children, yo guys stopped working and sold the house. For me, you guys couldn’t sleep at night and couldn’t eat. I pretended not to see you guys collapse, pretend you guys didn’t age, and naturally consume your love for me; naturally consume your all your hard work and hustle in this half life. However, I have never said this before: sorry! I am not a filial son. I am an unfilial son. Today, I won’t make a request for you to forgive me, I just want to say to you: What I owe you, I won’t be able to repay in this lifetime!”

In his closing statement, Zhang Heng apologized to his “motherland and everyone”: “‘Sorry!!!’ I wasn’t a law-abiding citizen. I ignorantly went to the US to cooperate with the surrogacy. After the incident happened, I cowardly consoled myself: I am just an ordinary person, but in actuality, regardless if I am willing or not, I am not a true ordinary person already. To this day, I already have many followers and that’s to say, I have no way of avoiding a lot of social responsibilities. So, I solemnly promise here: I am willing to accept any punishment towards me from the country and the law and also willing to accept everyone’s criticisms, sorry!”

Zhang Heng also showed an animated picture of him holding his children and a picture that says, “Reject surrogacy”. Zheng Shuang hasn’t made any statement on the verdict. She has been under investigation for tax evasion and the use of “yin yang contracts” since late April.

Credit: Weibo (1, 2), Baidu

6 thoughts on “Zhang Heng Granted Sole-Decision Making Authority, while Zheng Shuang Given Limited Custodial Rights

    1. To be honest, I’m surprised this procedure is even legal in the US… Sounds like it’s out of a sci-fi movie.

      1. I mean, there’s a lot of things you can do in America and not be surprised anymore. Only certain states allow procedures like this, not all.

      2. surrogacy is not that weird of a concept, just like there are sperm and egg donors, surrogates basically “donate” their womb. Some people have healthy seed/eggs but can’t carry a baby. It does get abused but when it’s done right it can be a beautiful thing

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