Barbie Hsu’s Studio Clarifies Reports on Koo Jun-yup Being Deported Back to South Korea For Not Being Able to Provide Proof He Has No Criminal Record

Koo Jun-yup and Barbie Hsu (大S) finally reunited in Taiwan on March 27 after he completed his 10 day mandatory quarantine and then 7 days of self-health management. Since then, he has been staying with Barbie Hsu. However, in recent days, the Taiwanese media had reported Koo Jun-yup was being deported from Taiwan back to South Korea for not being able to provide documents proving he has no criminal record in South Korea. As a result, he can’t apply for a visitor visa and has to leave the country in May.

On April 10, Barbie Hsu’s studio clarified the rumors about Koo Jun-yup being deported. The studio wrote, “At first, the married couple purely thought as long as they registered their marriage, after entertaining Taiwan, he could register for a resident visa. We didn’t notice it required to prepare proof of no criminal record. We have already asked family in South Korea to apply for it on our behalf. It’s currently being notarized.”

The studio also clarified that Koo Jun-yup had already negotiated a job in Korea to performa in New York during mid-May. So this trip was originally planned for Koo Jun-yup to travel directly to New York in mid-May after registering their marriage in Taiwan, which is why they initially applied for a 60 day visa.

Lastly, they said, “Leaving the country was planned as part of the performance itinerary. There is no such thing as, “deportation back to South Korea.”

Credit: Weibo (1, 2, 3), Koo Jun-yup IG