Lin Yi Gets Mistaken for Angelababy’s Male Assistant that Accompanied Her to an Internet Café

It’s a known fact that Angelababy (杨颖) is an avid gamer during her free time. On April 21, there were rumors swirling that Angelababy was seen with a male companion gaming at an internet café. After the news started going viral, people were naming the tall male friend to be actor, Lin Yi (林一). As a result, “baby” and “Lin Yi” started trending on the entertainment hot search list on Weibo.

Angelababy and Lin Yi haven’t responded to the news. However, on April 22, a netizen who said they are the owner of the gaming café where Angelababy was spotted, claimed the male companion with Angelababy is not Lin Yi, but her male assistant.

Lin Yi once revealed on “Keep Running: Yellow River Edition 2”, that he really liked Angelababy at one time. The 23 year old actor said he even used an Angelababy selfie as his WeChat Moments background picture.

Credit: Weibo (1, 2, 3)

2 thoughts on “Lin Yi Gets Mistaken for Angelababy’s Male Assistant that Accompanied Her to an Internet Café

  1. The title of this is so misleading. It sounds like the person was Lin Yi, and he got mistaken for her personal assistant. But it’s actually her personal assistant that was mistaken for Lin Yi. Quite the opposite.’

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