Severely Injured Dancer, Mo, Still in Critical Condition After Big LED Screen Collapses on Him at MIRROR’s Concert

On July 28, an accident occurred at the fourth concert of Hong Kong boy group, MIRROR, when a large LED screen hanging from the ceiling suddenly collapsed directly on one of the dancers, Mo (李啟言, 27), and fell onto another dancer, Tsz Fung Chang (29). Both were sent to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital. After the accident occurred, the remaining concert was canceled by the show runners.

According to initial reports, Mo was still conscious and able to speak when he was sent to the hospital. However, he had severe head and neck injuries. Mo had undergone his first surgery overnight to relieve cerebral brain hemorrhaging and a burst fracture and displacement of the fourth and fifth cervical vertebrae. On July 29, Mo had his second surgery around 11:30 am that lasted until 7:30 pm.

The other dancer, Tsz Fung Chang, has been released from the hospital on the afternoon of July 29th.

On July 30, the hospital made a statement stating that Mo completed his surgery on the night of July 29 and is still in the ICU. As he required tracheal intubation for anesthesia during the surgery, the hospital spokesperson said that Mo would be classified to be in critical condition, but his vital signs are stable, based on the established classification criteria for clinical conditions. After the second surgery, Mo required to be on a ventilator. The hospital staff said they will continue to closely monitor Mo and provided necessary treatment.

Mo’s parents, who are from Toronto, Canada, have already landed in Hong Kong on the morning of July 31. With permission from Hong Kong’s Department for Health for special circumstances, Mo’s parents were allowed to visit their son after going through entry procedures and testing negative at their designated hotel in lieu of having to quarantine first. Mo’s father, who is a pastor in Toronto, has garnered prayers from everywhere for his son.

It’s reported an official investigation on the horrific accident that happened at the Hong Kong Coliseum will take 7-8 weeks to complete.

Credit: (1, 2, 3)

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