Hong Kong Paparazzi Once Again Falsely Claims Eliza Sam of Being Pregnant

Hong Kong Paparazzi Once Again Falsely Claims Eliza Sam of Being Pregnant

Hong Kong paparazzi are notorious for trying to out celebrity pregnancies with their predictions being wrong most of the time.  They seem to have it out for TVB actress, Eliza Sam (岑麗香) as she is always being preyed on by the paparazzi.  If she’s wearing flats one day, reporters will speculate she’s pregnant. 

In the latest pregnancy tracker news, it is rumored that Eliza and her husband were seen viewing property.  Hong Kong paparazzi claims they are buying a bigger home to welcome a baby.  Eliza was also seen wearing flats and picking up her mother from the airport.  It is being speculated that Eliza’s mother is here to take care of her while she’s pregnant. 

On the ridiculous pregnancy rumors, Eliza quickly shuts them down and says, “Normally, I have to wear high heels when I’m working.  So when I’m not working, I will wear flats.”  On the rumors of buying property, Eliza explains, “We have not been viewing properties lately.  Those reports are false.  I did go pick up my mother from the airport, because she is passing through Hong Kong, she is staying a few days to visit me.  I hope everyone won’t disturb my family.  They are not public figures, so they are not used to the attention and cameras.  I don’t want them to experience unnecessary stress.”

Credit: hk.on.cc, East Week Magazine, Eliza Sam IG

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