TVB Artists Promote Anniversary Series in China

TVB Youku Hong Kong Series Carnival Mat Yeung Vincent Wong Matthew Ho Oscar Leung Apple Games

On October 16th, a bunch of TVB artists traveled to Beijing, China to attend the “Youku Hong Kong Series Carnival” to promote the TVB anniversary series.  The series being promoted include “Fist Fight” (兄弟), “Life on the Line” (跳躍生命線),  “OMG , Your Honour” (是咁的,法官閣下), and the delayed “The Learning Curve of a Warlord.”  Artists that went include Vincent Wong, Mat Yeung, Kaman Kong, Rebecca Zhu, Joe Ma, Kelly Cheung, Matthew Ho, Grace Wong, Ben Wong, Eddie Kwan, and Oscar Leung. 

Joe Ma and Grace Wong performed a few songs, whereas Vincent Wong, Mat Yeung, Matthew Ho and Oscar Leung, Kaman Kong, and Rebecca Zhu play games involving an apple.  Each pair have to put an apple between their chests, slide it down to their waist and hold it for 10 seconds.  

Watch the apple games on Youku: 

TVB Cast Youku Hong Kong Carnival Anniversary Series
Credit: Youku Weibo

Watch Joe Ma and Grace Wong perform:

TVB Youku Hong Kong Series Carnival Joe Ma Grace Wong
Credit: Youku Weibo

When the host asked if Vincent Wong’s character is an internet addicted youth, a TVB producer quickly answers, “He is no longer a youth!”  As for Oscar Leung, he said even though he has more action scenes in “Flying Tiger II” than the previous series, he revealed he will need to lose weight for his role in the sequel.  

Credit: Youku Weibo, (1, 2)