Elva Ni’s Head Photoshopped onto Busty Female Pictures

Elva Ni Photoshopped Pictures Instagram

Model and Key Opinion Leader (KOL), Elva Ni (倪晨曦), was at a function today.  There was a recent incident where someone was photoshopping her head onto busty female bodies.  They even used her name to open an Instagram account to post the pictures.  Elva Ni’s response to this was, “A friend sent me the pictures and said I’m not revealing the deepest layers.  In the beginning, I thought it was very funny, but I’m also scared.  I don’t know how I should handle it.  I didn’t report it to the police.  My fans are always very positive and nice.  They only share beauty and fitness tips.”

When asked if this would be her ideal body, Elva says she prefers a slimmer figure, which is more lightweight.  

Elva Ni Photoshopped Pictures Instagram
Credit: hk.on.cc

Credit: hk.on.cc, Elva Ni IG