Jess Sum Secretly Tied the Knot in February

Jess Sum Secretly Tied the Knot in February

Former TVB actress, Jess Sum (沈卓盈), shocked fans today when she announced she got married. Jess Sum left TVB in January after being with the company for 16 years. At the time, she said she wasn’t in a rush to get married, but it turns out Jess Sum and her husband, Calvin, tied the knot on February 16th in Phuket, Thailand. It turns out the couple had already taken their wedding pictures in Paris and England last December.

Jess Sum Leaves TVB After 16 Years with the Company

When asked when her husband proposed, Jess Sum reveals, “It was around the middle of last year. I was pretty happy and it was romantic. I’ll have to same some of the details for us. After the proposal, we went to take the wedding pictures.” When asked if she was in a rush to have children, Jess Sum said, “At this moment, I’m focusing on my career. Having children depends on fate.” On whether she left TVB to get married, she said, “There is no correlation. It was really for my own career. Everything this year has been good changes for me.” When asked if she will be having a wedding banquet in Hong Kong, Jess Sum says she hasn’t decided and will share with everyone once there is good news.

Credit: (1, 2), Jess Sum IG