2011 Miss Hong Kong Second Runner Up, Whitney Hui, is Getting Married

2011 Miss Hong Kong Second Runner Up, Whitney Hui, is Getting Married

Whitney Hui (許芷熒), the 2011 Miss Hong Kong second runner up, is getting married to her boyfriend, Alex Fung, who is reportedly in the fashion label and printing industries. She made the announcement in a lengthy post on her Instagram today. The couple were introduced by their friend and actress, Devily Leung (梁麗瑩). On meeting her husband, she said, “We both felt like we met each other too late. I’ve always felt it was God who allowed me to meet you. God did listen to my prayers! It’s his plan!”

Miss Hong Kong 2011 Second Runner Up, Whitney Hui, Announces Pregnancy After a Month into Marriage

In her post, she mentioned how her fiancé would always make sure he would be on the side where the cars were when they cross the street, so she would be protected. He would also eat her cooking after work everyday and give her small surprises. So when he proposed, Whitney Hui immediately accepted without thinking further.

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從小到大我都有幻想究竟將來的丈夫會是怎麼樣的, 他到底在地球的那一個角落?他是長什麼樣子的?他是否也跟我一樣,都會常幻想將來的太太會是誰? 自和你相識的那天起 ,身邊的人都說你會是我的丈夫, 因為我們相貌有點相似,有點夫妻相。(其實是你的眼睛比我大👀) 大約在兩年多前,我記得那天返church, 我祈禱同神講我希望會遇到一個彼此會互相珍惜,互相愛護的伴侶 ~ 就在那天的晚上,我好姊妹 @davily_leung 突然打給我說有一個男生一直想介紹給我認識。( 我當時已經準備上床睡覺, 很不想外出,但 @davilyleung 叫我隨便穿件衣服,帶頂帽子出去找她🤭) 結果彼此認識了原來很投契,彼此都有相逢恨晚的感覺。 我一直覺得是神讓我遇上你,是神有聽我的禱告!!是祂的安排😊 當我知道你名字叫Alexander, 我更覺有點驚訝, 因為家人說我幾歲讀幼稚園的時候, 每天放學都說 'Alexander' 這個名字, 回想起來, 感覺好像上天一早已經跟我暗示,我將來的丈夫名字是Alexander 🤭 📸 在拍攝婚照時, 你望著我雙眼,我已經有想流淚的感覺, 看著你也有一點眼有淚光。 😢 我看著你的眼神, 大家彼此都有一種捨不得對方的感覺,到底兩個人要有多少緣份才能結成夫妻?💞 人家說: “前世的五百次回眸才能換得今生的一次擦肩而過”,那麼我們回眸了多少次才能有這麼幸運能相互相守在彼此的身邊? 我現在已經開始捨不得你, 已經害怕有一天要和你說再見, 又不知要再等多久才能再在同一個時空裏相遇。 過馬路時,你永遠都會站在車駛過來的方向, 用身體去擋住我,確保我不會有危險。 你每天下班後都一定風雨不改要吃我煮的晚餐。 你總是常給我小驚喜,常常會寫情信給我告訴我你多愛我。 你很支持我喜歡做的事, 我喜歡煮飯,喜歡研究食譜 ,你每天都為我試食, 就算一個餸煮了十次, 你都覺得是全世界最好吃的飯餸。 這些都只是其中一些你的優點, 也是為什麼當你向我求婚時,我想也沒有想過,就said yes。 兩個人在一起 不止要互相遷就, 還要互相令對方進步 ~ 感謝你這兩年多以來 一直以來對我的支持, 每天都吃我煮的飯和餸菜,從來不覺得厭倦, 給我最好的意見,雖然你很奄尖, 很有要求,很挑剔 ,但是令我進步成為一個更好的人~(哈哈 😃被挑剔但是心裏還是覺得甜蜜的🤭) 你經常都會問我“where are you going? ” 我起身去廁所又問… 在食飯枱起身去廚房攞支醬油又問,  總之要離開你視線範圍,你就會問我。 曾經有位朋友跟我說: "Whitney, 你將來選擇丈夫,一定要選擇一個處處保護你, 處處緊張你,連沖涼都怕你會跣親嘅男人。" 今天我找到了🤗 我們決定組織家庭,一起到白頭❤️💞 我將會用一生的時間來珍惜你,愛護你,支持你, 尊敬你,崇拜你。 感謝你每天帶給我的歡樂,笑聲,讚美,欣賞和保護❤️ 感謝神,感謝我Best Friend 撮合了我們~ 沒有你們根本沒有我們了!@davilyleung I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you my Fiancé! 😘 😘 😘 Thank You So Much to the AMAZING TEAM: 📷: @mikoco_studio @mikocokiki 婚紗👗: @mc_ting @macheriebridalhk 中式裙褂👗: @koon_nam_wah Hair 👰: @shemakeupstudio @sarawongmua #fiance #soontobehusband #counting down #cantwaittotakeyourlastname #cantwaittobeyourwife #engaged #isaidyes #loveofmylife #husbandandwifetobe

A post shared by 許芷熒🍬❤️ (@whitney.hui) on

Whitney Hui responded to Apple Daily HK today and said, “The proposal was very happy, surprising, and touching! The wedding will be next month. But I won’t say what day yet, maybe I’ll let you guys know then.”

Good friend and actress, Sisley Choi (蔡思貝), congratulated her and will also be one of her bridesmaids. She said, “So happy! Since us two crazies met in 2013, we laugh at everything, we have so much chemistry, to now, where everyone has grown up. She will be a happy housewife. I will continue working hard for my career. I am very happy for her. I hope her husband loves her a lot.”

Credit: Apple Daily HK, hk01.com, Whitney Hui IG

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