Peach Pachara Confirms Break Up with Patricia Good

Peach Pachara Confirms Break Up with Patricia Goode

Thai fan favorite couple, Peach Pachara and Patricia Good, are no longer together after dating for more than 3 years. The couple were rumored to have broken up a few months ago, but Peach Pachara denied it. Recently, it was discovered, Peach Pachara unfollowed Patricia Good on Instagram. At the same time, it was reported Peach Pachara was not present at Patricia Good’s birthday party last week. Thai media also found out Patricia Good has been getting close with hi-so, Note Vises, lately. They also discovered she had an alt account following a lot of other young male actors and interacted with them a lot.

Patricia Good Hanging with Note Vises After Break Up with Peach Pachara

The reason for the break up is speculated around Patricia Good’s alleged infidelity. The both of them didn’t respond to the break up rumors until today. Peach Pachara admitted to the break up at an event on August 21. He alleges he doesn’t have much evidence of Patricia’s infidelity and doesn’t understand her choices. He also admits the two of them have been interacting much less lately. Peach Pachara also expressed sad sentiments about the relationship ending in break up and felt even worse at the comments being left under Patricia Good’s posts. He hopes people will stop attacking her.

Note Vises, who dated Poo and Aum, made a statement today denying he is the third party between Peach Pachara and Patricia Good. He clarified four things in his statement:

1. He isn’t dating Patricia and reiterated he isn’t the third party.
2. He will not interfere with the matters at hand or the people involved when things aren’t clear.
3. He isn’t sure about Peach and Patricia’s break up situation.
4. He urged the public to wait for Patricia’s response first. Told the public not to listen to only what they want to hear and blindly come up with a conclusion. He also gave encouragement to Patricia.

Peach Pachara Confirms Break Up with Patricia Good_Note Vises Patricia Good
Note Vises and Patricia Good

UPDATE: Patricia Good confirms break up with Peach Pachara in an interview on 08/22. She explains the break up was over irreconcilable differences. It was an amicable break up and there were no third parties involved. She also found out about Peach giving her encouragement. Patricia Good also clarifies she and Note Vises are just friends and met each other not too long ago.

Credit: Weibo (1, 2, 3, 4), Patricia Good IG

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