Patricia Good Hanging with Note Vises After Break Up with Peach Pachara

Patricia Good Hanging with Note Vises After Break Up with Peach Pachara

Things are getting interesting in the Patricia Good and Peach Pachara break up saga. After Peach Pachara confirmed his break up with Patricia Good last week, she clarified there were no third parties coming between them and that she and Note Vises, a hi-so, were just friends who aren’t that close. Well, it seems they are getting to know each other better now as Thai media outlets reported Note Vises brought Patricia Good to a friend’s party on August 27th. Pictures of them two at the party were shared online and vent viral yesterday.

Peach Pachara Confirms Break Up with Patricia Good

Patricia Good Hanging with Note Vises After Break Up with Peach Pachara
Courtesy of daradaily

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A Thai entertainment blogger by the name of “เจ๊มอย 108” also reported yesterday, “A high rise in Sukhumvit Road, a certain hi-so lives here. There is a parking lot on the first floor. A day before there was a Mini Cooper parked here. The license plate is …97. The owner of the car is probably visiting friends nearby. Netizens did some discovery work and found out Patricia Good bought a white Mini Cooper in May 2016 and suspects the car parked at the high rise is hers. Some netizens left comments saying others were overreacting.

Peach Pachara was asked about his past relationship with Patricia Good again in a recent interview. Reporters asked if he still cries as he was seen crying the day after he confirmed the break up in an interview. Peach Pachara said he was shocked that someone saw it, but admitted that it was normal and very natural as he is a normal person too. When reporters asked him whether “something had happened before their break up”, Peach Pachara responded, “I am not sure about the timelines, but it’s like what I said. I am only concerned about the two of us already broken up already. Other things don’t concern me. I must let go of anything related to her. She should grow up according to how she wants to.” Peach Pachara also said he didn’t see the pictures of Patricia Good and Note Vises at a party together.

Thai actress, Bow Maylada, was also seen leaving Peach Pachara encouraging comments. When Thai reporters mentioned it to him and said many fans are encouraging them to be together, Peach Pachara said, “We’ve only met each other once before and didn’t interact before. I was a bit puzzled too seeing her comments. Very thankful for her encouragement. We are not close. We’ve only met each other once a long time ago.”

Patricia Good Hanging with Note Vises After Break Up with Peach Pachara

Credit: Weibo (1, 2), Patricia Good IG, Note Vises IG