Andy Hui Makes Official Comeback on ViuTV’s “Chill Club”

Andy Hui Makes Official Comeback on ViuTV's "Chill Club"

It has been 14 months since the “OnSum Cheating” scandal swept through Asia. In the end, Sammi Cheng chose to forgive Andy Hui (許志安) and stay in their marriage. Andy Hui canceled all his work activities. Jacqueline Wong (黃心穎) laid low for about 11 months until she returned to Hong Kong last December. Kenneth Ma (馬國明) shocked everyone on June 13 when he and Roxanne Tong (湯洛雯), who is good friends with Jacqueline Wong, announced they were dating.

While Jacqueline Wong is still on a hiatus, it was announced Andy Hui would be making his official comeback on ViuTV’s music show, “Chill Club”. He appeared at the studio to record for the show on June 15. There were 6 to 7 fans waiting for him outside cheering him on. When reporters asked him about Kenneth Ma’s new romance, he didn’t respond.

Andy Hui spoke to the press about his time during this break. He said he took this time to really reflect on himself and to learn. He felt he grew up a lot and just kept looking forward. He realized his family and spending time with them were the most important. He has been preparing for his “road ahead” and felt today was the right time to take responsibility for what he promised 14 months ago in that press conference.

He said, “Today, I want to let people know I am already prepared. I don’t dare say what the future will be like, but I am definitely 100% better than the past. As for a comeback, I don’t dare say. I’ll leave it up to the company. I said to myself, am I ready. My wife said to me, you need to be 100% ready. You must have a positive mindset. I asked myself, can I really? I am a little nervous. Seeing so many people, I must have the courage and responsibility to face it.”

He also accredited his aging dog, Lucky, for helping him learn how to cherish more. He spent a lot of time with Lucky and felt it was worth it. He hopes Lucky can spend the rest of his days happily.

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When asked if he was still in contact with Jacqueline Wong, he said, “No, it’s already in the past. I hope everyone can give me some time. I also understand it takes time for people to accept. I must confidently tell myself that each step I take is very good. I think this is my own mistake, my scar. I won’t forget about this scar. When I look at it, it would remind me that I need to do even better in the coming days.”

As for Kenneth Ma and Roxanne Tong’s new romance, he said, “I saw it. Let them talk about their own relationship.”

Credit: hk01, Andy Hui IG

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