Screenwriter Seemingly Complains about “The Long Ballad” Ending

Screenwriter Seemingly Complains about "The Long Ballad" Ending

On May 3, it was the finale of “The Long Ballad” (长歌行) was broadcast in advance for VIP users. There was quite a bit of debate about the ending. For example, HaoYan CP get their happy ending and get married. However, when “Li Leyan’s” father, “Li Shimin” tells “Hao Du”, “If you despise my daughter for delaying your future or your affection for her fades over time as her appearance withers, I don’t blame you, but you must bring her back to my side in one piece.” Netizens thought this line was weird and wasn’t suitable for a king to be saying about his princess daughter.

As for the GeSun CP, “Ashile” puts a letter asking for “Changge’s” hand in marriage in front of her late mother’s grave. The two of them finally get together. However, in the ending, they fake their death and retire back to the prairie, but “Changge” and “Ashile” aren’t in the same frame at the end, leading viewers to wonder if they really got together.

That same night, a screenwriter from “The Long Ballad” seemingly made a Weibo post venting about the ending and included parts of the supporting actors’ script. This person wrote, “Wedding, what wedding? Didn’t you say we couldn’t write any war or big scenes?” They wrote that the producers of the series constantly kept demanding them to compress the original characters’ scenes. They continue to say, “I really didn’t write any relationship scenes. I didn’t write any princess hug and and then running on a horse either. Because ‘Hao Du’ has feels inferior, how would he dare do anything to Princess? It’s just that we have a different understanding of the characters, but the end result is quite good. So there is no good or bad, right or wrong as long as the audience is happy. Hurry and turn this version over.”

Credit: Weibo (1, 2, 3, 4)

3 thoughts on “Screenwriter Seemingly Complains about “The Long Ballad” Ending

  1. I didn’t like the ending I was hoping for more but didn’t get it , I was hoping for a marriage or 5years later of peace with kids and so forth but nope the ending suck please rewrite the ending and give us better results

  2. There were a number of scenes where li changge said she accepted Ashinz Sun as her life partner. I.e at her mother’s shrine, at one of her conversation with shuyue, her thoughts and concerns for Sun, when Sun was wounded n lying in bed and the final episode where she said as long as they have each other in their lives. These showed that they were together at last having gone through thick n thin in their journey to achieved their final agendas qtogether. A very touching love story.

  3. Unfulfilled ending in Long Ballad! Changge n Ashile Sun promised never to leave each other again, pledged their love to be together, to visit many places after the strife, to seek peaceful living. How is it they are at different places, never married? Is there a continuation? Ashile Sun went to great lengths to search for Changge.! The ending is somewhat baffling… to see them far apart although together.

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