Rainie Yang Responds to Criticisms She Visited Her Husband, Li Ronghao, in China Only Because it Was Convenient On Her Way to Work

Because of the pandemic, Rainie Yang (杨丞琳) and husband, Li Ronghao (李荣浩), were separated for over 300 days. Even after getting married, Rainie Yang continued to live in Taiwan, while Li Ronghao stayed in China. The couple finally reunited in late January this year when Rainie Yang traveled to China for work.

Since Rainie Yang came to China, she was filming for variety show, “Sisters Who Make Waves 2”, which ended in April. Shortly after, Rainie Yang returned to Taiwan. There were some netizens who criticized her decision to return to Taiwan so quickly and saying that she only visited her husband in China as it was convenient for her to do so as she had work commitments there.

On May 10, she attended a promotional event in Taipei for her new movie, “Kidnapped Soul”. She was asked about recent comments from netizens that said, “You only have work making it convenient for you to go to China to find your husband, Li Ronghao.” She responded, “I also have family on this side. I also have to take care of my mother in Taiwan. My dog is also old. I hope to have the best of both worlds with my private relationships and work. They said how can I be so cold-hearted. Just let them say whatever the hell criticisms that has nothing to do with them.”

Credit: Weibo (1), Rainie Yang IG

3 thoughts on “Rainie Yang Responds to Criticisms She Visited Her Husband, Li Ronghao, in China Only Because it Was Convenient On Her Way to Work

  1. If it weren’t for the pandemic the couple would visit each other more often. It’s the reality for many individuals with long distance relationships.

  2. Why don’t people criticize him for not going to see her? At least she took a job in China, so she can “conveniently” see him? What year do we live in? Why is the woman that’s expected to give up her family, life, and career to accommodate the man?

  3. lol…so what? a woman’s life doesn’t have to revolve around her husband.

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