Mike He Under Fire for Old Comments about “Only Having a Third Child if It’s Definitely a Boy”

Taiwanese actor, Mike He (賀軍翔), is a father to two daughters, ages 4 and 13 months. Mike He made headlines recently for past comments a netizen dug up from his interview last year about having more children only if it was a boy.

Mike He was promoting a series and shared his thoughts about having two children and possibly expanding their family. As Mike He and his wife were both around 36-37 years old at the time, he said if they were to have a third child, they had to do it within the next two years. He had hoped that if there were to be a third child, it would be a son. He also said, “Wait until the 7th or 8th week, you can confirm the sex. Confirm it’s a boy first, then we’ll have it. If not, I think two daughters are enough.” When asked if their third child was a girl, Mike He responded, “If it’s a daughter, might not want to have it.”

Due to the backlash Mike He received for his comments, he issued an apology on September 26. He said, ” I apologize to everyone for blurting out comments of the wrong notion without careful consideration at the time.” He explained that he was very grateful to his wife for giving birth to their two daughters and was only talking about a third baby hypothetically. Mike He clarified, “If my wife were to go through the suffering again, my wife and I indeed hope to have sons and daughters. Our two daughters also wish to have a younger brother. If it’s a boy, then it would definitely be the best, but male or female has always been equals.”

Mike He Welcomes Another Baby Girl

Credit: Weibo (1, 2)