Wu Zun Plans to Enroll His Children to Study in China

Since last November, Wu Zun (吳尊), his wife, and their two children, Neinei and Max, have been traveling all over China. It was rumored Wu Zun and his family planning to settle down in Shanghai. It was later revealed Wu Zun and his family were recording for a variety show.

However, in a recent interview, Wu Zun reveals he plans to enroll his children to study in China. Wu Zun, who is from Brunei, revealed in an interview that he had planned for his children to study in Australia in 2023. They had already seen the school, but because of the pandemic, their plans changed. Wu Zun revealed that after discussing with his wife, “We both feel that bringing the children to study in China is actually a really good direction. So coming this time, we also went to look at schools.”

Wu Zun expressed that studying in China will help his children with their Chinese and also help them learn more about Chinese culture. He said after a month in China, their kids’ Chinese was like the equivalent of learning five months in Brunei. When the host asked if Wu Zun was worried about his children’s Chinese speaking abilities surpassing him if they attend school in China next year, he responded, “This is every parent’s dream, hoping their children are better than their parents. Of course I hope they’re good and they will definitely be grateful to me.”

Credit: Weibo (1, 2, 3, 4)

5 thoughts on “Wu Zun Plans to Enroll His Children to Study in China

  1. Schools in the west are overrated. Literally. Heavy bias in “international” rankings, since they’re almost all literally created by the west.

    1. You “literally” are stupid. If you were educated in the west, you are good example of a bad education system and failure of poor education.

      1. Sounds like you agree with me that the education system we have here in the west is bad then LOL

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