Jackson Wang’s Agency Filed Police Report Over String of Recent Dating Rumors

Since Jackson Wang’s (王嘉爾) contract with JYP ended, he has settled down in Beijing to focus on building his TEAM WANG empire. In recent days, Jackson Wang, who has rarely had any rumors in his career, was involved in a string of dating rumors.

On February 22, dating rumors between Jackson Wang and G-IDLE’s Song Yuqi (宋雨琦)were circulating after a Chinese paparazzo named, “Sledgehammer Liu”, released a clip claiming Song Yuqi “stayed the night” at Jackson Wang’s home in Beijing. He also said Song Yuqi returned to her hotel the next morning holding roses. However, fans have suspected the clips were edited to back up the paparazzo’s narrative as the timing of the clips didn’t line up.

Song Yuqi

Then on February 23, another clip was released by the same paparazzo that said 15 days after Song Yuqi returned to Korea, Jackson Wang’s driver drove “two pretty girls” to his home. Because of this, the hashtag “Jackson Wang date with two pretty girls” started trending on Weibo.

Jackson Wang’s agency finally addressed all the rumors on February 23. They reposted a statement by RYCE Entertainment and stated the paparazzo, “Big Hammer Liu”, took advantage of Jackson Wang’s influence to continuously release assembled clips to “intentionally distort the truth and used words like, ‘staying over’, ‘rose’, ‘two pretty girls’, ‘returned to Wang Jia’er’s home’, ‘not going to say much, you guys understand’, and more to maliciously mislead the public and intentionally mislead netizens to misunderstand Mr. Wang Jia’er and attract the public eye to focus on his ulterior motive. Friends going to Wang Jia’er’s home for gatherings is a common thing and is not weird.”

The statement also says they have already filed a police report due to the paparazzo’s actions was an invasion of Jackson Wang’s privacy and damage to his reputation.

Credit: Weibo (1, 2, 3)