TVB Artists and Staff to Live in Studio for 3 Weeks to Not Delay Filming in Midst of Hong Kong’s COVID Situation

Hong Kong is currently experiencing their fifth and worst COVID-19 wave that has collapsed the city’s healthcare infrastructure with hospitals overcrowded and medical professionals overworked and overwhelmed. Since the pandemic started, TVB filming productions were relatively unaffected by the pandemic until the fifth wave as several TVB artists and staff members were tested positive.

Due to the government’s new restrictions, TVB had to shut down filming on all productions from March 1 to March 7, which was later extended until March 20. There were rumors stating TVB was losing around 2 million HKD for each day filming is halted. To stop the bleeding, TVB is introducing a “enclosed method” of working where 100 artists and staff members currently on a project would first go through 3 days of testing and if they are negative, they will enter the TVB studios and stay inside the “bubble” for 3 weeks to continue filming.

TVB executive, Bonnie Wong, told that the first film crews to participate in this plan will be “Scoop” and “Come Home Love: Lo and Behold”. They said the studios will be equipped with sleeping areas, showers, daily necessities, and 3 meals a day. In terms of living arrangements, Bonnie Wong said, “Aside from the offices and resting areas, hallways can be used to sleep too. If there are colleagues who want to sleep on tour buses, we can also rent those. Human Resources is already buying blankets and sleeping bags.” Bonnie Wong discouraged artists and workers with families from joining the program.

Bonnie Wong said there are colleagues excited to join this plan, including TVB’s general manager, Eric Tsang (曾志偉), who she says is definitely joining. She said, “Mr. Tsang will definitely join. He is already thinking about what cuisine to cater to colleagues.”

Credit: hk01 (1, 2), TVB