Veteran TVB Actor, Mak Ho Wai, Passes Away at 76

On April 14, it was reported veteran TVB actor, Mak Ho Wai (麥皓為), passed away at 76. There was a rumor he had died of a heart attack. However, good friend and actress, Michelle Yim (米雪), spoke on behalf of Mak Ho Wai’s family and shared that he had passed away peacefully at home the previous night. Michelle Yim described Mak Ho Wai as a man who “deeply loved his family his whole life, is a good husband and father. He loves his friends and is a good actor. We have lost another good friend! Rest in peace! Please give the Mak family some space and time!”

Mak Ho Wai left Hong Kong in 1994 for Singapore and started developing his acting career there. The last time Michelle Yim and Mak Ho Wai had met up was in 2018. Michelle Yim traveled to Singapore for vacation and visited Mak Ho Wai. At the time, they also celebrated Mak Ho Wai’s birthday. Back in 2020, Mak Ho Wai was said to be working as a volunteer tour guide for Chinese language at the National Museum of Singapore.

One of Mak Ho Wai’s most memorable performance was portraying a newspaper stand owner in the TVB series, “The Greed of Man” (大時代). In the series, Damian Lau’s (劉松仁) character, “Fong Chun-sun”, begs Mak Ho Wai’s character for a chance to work at the stand after suffering from brain damage at the hands of “Ting Hai” that left his motor skills severely impaired.

Mak Ho Wai joined TVB in 1983 and graduated from the 12th artists’ training class. It’s said he became an actor to fulfill his younger brother, Mak Dai-shing’s dream, who died in an airplane crash in 1982 alongside his wife, son, and other family members. Before he became an actor, he graduated from the National Taiwan Ocean University with a degree in Electronic Engineering. He later attended the Beijing Normal University and completed a master’s program in Chinese Language and Literature at 60.

Credit: hk01,, Michelle Yim Weibo