Virginia Lok Says Miss Hong Kong 2017 Champion, Juliette Louie, Had the Most Eye-Popping Figure, But When Close Up…

TVB had recently launched their global recruitment campaign for the Miss Hong Kong 2022 pageant. It is also the 50th anniversary of the pageant this year. TVB executives, Eric Tsang (曾志偉) and Virginia Lok (樂易玲), recently attended a function to promote the pageant. They were interviewed by MoreForms Media on which Miss Hong Kong that was most eye popping or most taken aback.

Virginia Lok turns to Eric Tsang and said, “Most eye popping and most taken aback should be Juliette Louie (雷莊兒) ?”. He says, “How do I know?”. Virginia Lok explains, “She started out as a model. She would be very outstanding on stage. However, when filming close-up, it definitely won’t be [good] like her whole body. We were a bit worried at the time. This girl was selected as Miss Hong Kong. We felt she wouldn’t stay in Hong Kong for long because when she joined the pageant, she already said she is here to play around and try out the pageant for fun. After the pageant, she would most likely go back home. However, at the time, [she] was voted by everyone. So she won first place.”

Juliette Louie’s crowning as the Miss Hong Kong 2017 first place winner was one of the most controversial in recent years. First off, Juliette Louie was constantly teased for her teeth at the time. She often called out netizens for their criticisms about her appearance. During the night of the pageant, Juliette Louie and Regina Ho had the same score. The deciding factor came down to DoDo Cheng’s two votes, in which she gave them to Juliette Louie. Many netizens questioned Juliette Louie’s win and speculated she had won because of her family’s connections.

Credit: HK Lifestyle, Juliette Louie IG

One thought on “Virginia Lok Says Miss Hong Kong 2017 Champion, Juliette Louie, Had the Most Eye-Popping Figure, But When Close Up…

  1. Virginia Lok.. what a way to call someone’s face ugly. No wonder she was relieved and happy to leave when her reign as Miss HK was over

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