One of the most popular C-Drama trends in recents years is “most adorable height difference”, which is when the male lead is considerably taller than the female lead. Many tall male actors have gotten popular because of their height.
Tan Jianci (檀健次) has been growing more popular and getting better opportunities like working alongside Yang Zi in recently wrapped series, “Lost You Forever” (长相思). However, it’s hard for Tan Jianci to avoid doubtful voices questioning his ability. Tan Jianci, who is listed as 174cm on official sites, responded about the debate of his height in a recent interview.

When his name is announced for new projects, Tan Jianci says he has already gotten used to these negative voices. Tan Jianci also knows what they often focus their attack on, “Saying I’m not tall enough, saying I’m short, right?” He says he sees these comments so often that it doesn’t faze him anymore.

Tan Jianci confidently revealed that he has been rejected before and has lost out on opportunities because of many things throughout his career. However, Tan Jiancai says he has never lost out on an opportunity because of his height. He said he has discussed with producers before about his concerns regarding his height not matching with the characters. The producers told him, “If that was the case, we wouldn’t have chosen you from the start. After we chose you, we might help you meet the standard with shooting techniques or other objective conditions. There’s no need to consider anything else.”

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