Jolin Tsai Dedicates Post to Amuro Namie’s Retirement

Jolin Tsai Amuro Namie Birthday

J-Pop queen, Amuro Namie, officially retired from the entertainment industry on the 16th of this month.  Taiwanese pop queen, Jolin Tsai (蔡依林) was invited by Amuro as a guest star to perform at her farewell concert, “WE ♥ NAMIE HANABI SHOW”, in her hometown, Okinawa, Japan.  The two collaborated on one of Jolin’s song, “I’m Not Yours”, from her 2015 album, “Play”.  

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Not only was the 15th Amuro’s farewell concert, it was also Jolin’s 38th birthday.  After the concert, Amuro helped Jolin celebrate and took a photo backstage with the decorations.  Jolin also said the following after the performance, “I am really grateful to her for thinking of me to perform in her most important concert in her hometown. I really admire her because making this decision was probably not easy.  I am very happy that during her music career, we were able to collaborate on this song, which will be a memento.  I hope that after today, she can live a more relaxing and steady life.  If you ever need me, just give me a call.”  

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Watch a snippet of their performance, “I’m Not Yours” at Amuro’s farewell concert.  

Credit: UDN Stars, NHK TV (Japan)

Jolin revealed to Amuro, “Thanks for inviting me to your hometown to perform in your farewell concert.  I’m very glad to be a part of the concert.  You need to continue to radiate and shine.  Continue to inspire us, but most importantly, continue to smile, my barbie.”  Jolin also jokes, “Her legs are very, very, very long and her face is very, very, very tiny.”

Fans also expressed, “Ever since the two queens announced they were collaborating, I’ve been ecstatic.  Right before Amuro’s retirement is Jolin’s birthday and a big task to carry out.  You guys are creating history.”  

Jolin also posted on Facebook her feelings about working with Amuro and the crew in Japan.  Jolin says, “Every time I a run into a foreign culture and language, I would often reflect on my discomfort.  Thank you Amuro for being so caring and sweet including the presents and the arrangements, making me feel secure.  I deeply thank Amuro and her caring Japan crew for giving a timid girl who still gets scared a very familiar and secure environment.  I believe it’s because they care that’s why they’re willing to do this.  It is worthy for me to learn all this.” 

Credit: Jolin Tsai IG

Credit: Apple Daily TW, UDN Stars

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