Trailer for Japanese Remake of Taiwanese Series, “In Time With You”, Released

Trailer for Japanese Remake of Taiwanese Series, In Time With You, Released

Last October, it was announced Japan was remaking the iconic Taiwanese series, “In Time With You” (我可能不會愛你), that catapulted its stars, Ariel Lin (林依晨) and Bolin Chen’s (陳柏霖) careers to international stardom. Bolin Chen was especially popular with Korean fans that he even promoted in Korea for a bit. The English title of the Japanese adaptation is “I Dont Love You Yet” (僕はまだ君を愛さないことができる). A few days ago, the official trailer was released on Youtube in preparation for the series premiere on July 15.

Japan is Remaking Taiwanese Series, “In Time With You”

Ariel Lin Got to Work with Four Hunky Men in “I Will Never Let You Go”

The Japanese remake stars, Rika Adachi and Jin Shirasu as Ariel Lin and Bolin Chen’s characters, accordingly.  The iconic scene where the leads make a bet of giving the other person money to whoever gets marred first is also included in the remake. Instead of 100,000 NTD, the wager is set at 300,000 JPY. It seems the Japanese version kept it pretty close to the original script. Even Rika Adachi’s hairstyle is very similar to Ariel Lin’s when they were portraying themselves during high school.

Watch the trailer below:

Credit:, Weibo, Bokumada, SPO Youtube