Anita Chui Hints at Break Up with Deep Ng When They Never Admitted to Dating

Anita Chui Hints at Break Up with Deep Ng When They Never Admitted to Dating

Actress Anita Chui (崔碧珈), known for her voluptuous body, was rumored to be dating singer Deep Ng (吳浩康) in April this year. However, the two have always denied they were dating. It’s reported the two aren’ revealing their relationship to protect Deep Ng’s career. He has always maintained he is single and won’t even admit to his alleged relationship amongst his friends. Something might have changed in their relationship because Anita Chui uploaded several IG stories today and tagged Deep Ng. The posts hinted at the end of their relationship.

In the five posts, Anita Chui made the following remarks, making netizens suspect the two have broken up already.

  1. It’s over, if there are no accidents. #D
  2. One relationship is only a friendship, you taught me.
  3. I’ve been overthinking it all along. #nooneiswrong
  4. @ngdeep #The most important thing is to be able to face yourself.
  5. It’s you who has been teaching everyone to hide.

It’s reported it was Deep Ng who was pursuing Anita Chui crazily. She was touched by his sincerity and developed very quickly. However, once their dating rumors came to light, it’s said Deep Ng’s company wouldn’t allow him to reveal the relationship. Anita Chui was willing to cooperate with him and keep the relationship a secret.

Credit:, Anita Chui IG, Deep Ng IG