TVB actor, Joel Chan (陳山聰), tied the knot with his non-celebrity girlfriend, Apple, last November. When the press asked if it was a shotgun wedding at the time, Joel Chan denied it. Four months later, Joel Chan announced he is going to be a father on Valentine’s Day.
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He posted a picture of his wife’s belly on Instagram with this caption: “My wife seldom gives me surprises on Valentine’s Day. However, this year, she gave me a present that I wanted and liked the most. Thankful to the heavens for giving me a little piece of garlic. I have another identity in 2020. I will do my best to protect and take care of you and your mommy. Hope you can safely and happily grow up. Our family of three wishes everyone to have a sweet and safe Valentine’s Day. Happy Valentine’s Day”.
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Joel Chan and Wife, Apple, Welcome a Baby Boy
Joel Chan also revealed, “It was really hard to keep it in. After waiting until it could be revealed, I could finally announce it.” He didn’t reveal how many months along they were. As for the sex of the baby, he said, “No need to ask me if it’s a boy or a girl. Will reveal it on Children’s Day.”
Credit:, Joel Chan IG