TVB Actors, Keith Mok and Penny Chan, Take Side Jobs as Movers Due to Lack of Work

TVB Actors, Keith Mok, and Penny Chan, Take Side Jobs as Movers Due to Lack of Work

Since the pandemic started, there has been a lot of economic depression across all industries around the world. The entertainment industry was one of the areas hit particularly hard. Many TVB actors have turned to being KOLs or becoming Youtubers to earn extra income due to the lack of work. TVB actors, Keith Mok (莫家淦), who has a recurring role in “Come Home Love – Lo and Behold”, and Penny Chan (陳國峰), were recently spotted working as movers for a solar panel company. Keith Mok and Penny Chan were spotted wearing the solar panel company’s uniform and protective gear.

Aside from being an actor and a MC, Keith Mok also has a watch business and optical stores. However, his six stores has shrunk to four stores. Keith Mok said his MC jobs and functions have come to a halt. He still has some acting work and his business is still manageable. Keith Mok also said his wife has been working part time. However, Keith Mok admits he is also relying on his savings to raise his wife and his two sons, aged 5 and 1.

As for Penny Chan, he said his ramen shop’s business has been severely impacted. Penny Chan is a father of two sons with his second baby born this year. He was recently seen as a killer in the series, “Death By Zero”. However, his long time show, “Big Boys Club”, which he was a host of, recently ended its run, which was a loss of steady income.

When Oriental Daily News reached out to Keith Mok about the job, he revealed, “It’s actually a friend of mine who was hiring someone to move solar panels. It’s $900 HKD per day for 9 hours. He hasn’t been able to find someone. We also had time so we were just helping out. It’s only a one time thing and we’ve done it for a few days. I don’t mind being recognized. I don’t really care. There are even pilots doing part time work delivering food.”

Credit:, TOPick, IG