Rosamund Kwan and Carina Lau Bury the Hatchet After 5 Year Grudge Over Rosamund Kwan’s Ex-Husband

Rosamund Kwan and Carina Lau Bury the Hatchet After 5 Year Grudge Over Rosamund Kwan's Ex-Husband

Rosamund Kwan (關之琳) and Carina Lau (劉嘉玲) were the A-list starlets during the 80’s and 90s and also good friends. However, the two reportedly had a falling out in 2015. The cause of their grudge started when it was rumored the relationship between Rosamund Kwan and her Taiwanese businessman husband at that time, Pierre Chen (陳泰銘), had changed. They later confirmed they had divorced. However, just before they announced their divorce, Pierre Chen and Carina Lau had met up to go hiking together.

L to R: Rosamund Kwan, Pierre Chen, Carina Lau

Their outing didn’t sit well with Rosamund Kwan. She had even once said this at an event, “They never thought about other people’s feelings.” Carina Lau had responded, “I didn’t even know she got married and divorced. Not best friends la.” In 2016, the two of them attended a wedding. When Rosamund Kwan was asked if it would be awkward being at the same event as Carina Lau, she said, “It should be more awkward for her.” Carina Lau responded, “I can walk and stand upright. She can say whatever.”

Carina Lau and Rosamund Kwan in 2015

After 5 years, Rosamund Kwan and Carina Lau finally buried the hatchet when they attended an event on October 20 and took a picture together. Carina Lau posted their picture on IG and also through IG stories, where she said, “Hope you all enjoyed last night as much as I did.”

Credit: TOPick, IG (1, 2, 3)