Gao Ziqi and Korean Actress, Chae Rim, Have Divorced After 6 Years of Marriage

Gao Ziqi and Korean Actress, Chae Rim, Have Divorced After 6 Years of Marriage

Chinese actor, Gao Ziqi (高梓淇), and Korean actress, Chae Rim, announced they were dating in March 2014. They met while filming for the 2013 series, “Lee’s Grand Courtyard” (李家大院). Chae Rim had been active in the Chinese entertainment industry at the time. The couple got married in October 2014 with weddings in China and South Korea. In 2017, Chae Rim gave birth to their son, “Gift”.

However, rumors started in 2019 that the couple had split as their interactions on social media had diminished. Chae Rim had deleted all her posts on Weibo. She was also in Korea with their son. Chae Rim’s agency at the time denied the rumors.

On December 17, Korean media had reported Chae Rim and Gao Ziqi had already gone through the divorce proceedings and were officially divorced. After the reports came out, Chae Rim posted this picture on Instagram. Her caption roughly translates to, “I’m Irene. I am not the type of person who explains a lot in order to be understood. I am just quietly trying to live my life.”

According to the Korean media, Chae Rim’s old agency said their contract has already expired and they aren’t aware of her personal life. However, they claim their divorce was processed while Chae Rim was overseas. Back in January, there were rumors Chae Rim and Gao Ziqi had already separated for over a year. Chae Rim was rumored to have post partum depression and wanted Gao Ziqi to follow her back to Korea to live. However, Gao Ziqi rejected the offer as he felt China was his roots. Due to the long time apart, this also led to their gradual separation.

Shortly after, Gao Ziqi made a statement, saying, “Genuinely thankful, sincere blessings. Hope not to be disturbed. Wish everything is well, ‘Gift’s Mother’.”

Credit: Weibo (1, 2)

One thought on “Gao Ziqi and Korean Actress, Chae Rim, Have Divorced After 6 Years of Marriage

  1. What’s with the “Im Irene” in curvy font? Is that a reference to something I’m not getting? Seems cringy at first glance but maybe I’m missing some context here…

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