Lang Lang and Gina Alice Welcome a Baby Boy

Lang Lang and Gina Alice Welcome a Baby Boy

Congratulations are in order for Lang Lang (郎朗)and his wife, Gina Alice Redlinger (吉娜爱丽丝), as they welcomed their first child, a baby boy. Lang Lang and Gina Alice got married in a lavish Parisian wedding in June 2019. Back in October 2020, the couple announce they were pregnant. There was backlash during Gina Alice’s pregnancy when netizens were focused on her maintaining a slim figure. They kept complimenting her figure, which made netizens feel was not realistic for people to think pregnant women won’t gain weight.

On January 28, the new parents posted a picture of their baby’s hand. Gina Alice and Lang Lang wrote, “Our family concert’s little audience member is here.”

Credit: Weibo (1, 2)