Hu Ge’s Manager Denies Marriage Rumors with Crystal Liu Yifei

Hu Ge's Manager Denies Marriage Rumors with Crystal Liu Yifei

A few days ago, rumors were festering that Hu Ge (胡歌) and Crystal Liu Yifei (刘亦菲) got married in the first half of 2020. The rumor went on further to say that they didn’t announce their marriage because of the pandemic and had plans to announce it soon. Aside from working together in the 2005 series, “Chinese Paladin” (仙剑奇侠传), the two haven’t collaborated again or appear together that would suggest there was anything more than friendship.

CP Fans Deny Hu Ge and Crystal Liu Yifei’s Marriage Rumors

Initially, it was actually the couple’s CP fanclub, “GeFei Bar” that denied the rumors. Neither party addressed the rumors until now. On February 7, Sina Entertainment reached out to Hu Ge’s manager to verify the dating rumors. His manager responded, “It’s fake, all rumors.”

There was previously a screenshot circulating of a chat conversation between someone claiming to be Hu Ge’s staff member. This person responded, “I am really not sure.”, when asked about the rumors between Hu Ge and Crystal Liu. When asked to verify the validity of the conversation, Hu Ge’s manager responded, “Also fake, not our staff member.”

Credit: Weibo (1, 2, 3)