Fan Club Demands Wajijiwa Entertainment to Publicly Apologize and Reveal the Cause of R1SE Member, Xia Zhiguang’s Facial Injuries

Fan Club Demands Wajijiwa Entertainment to Publicly Apologize and Reveal the Cause of R1SE Member, Xia Zhiguang's Facial Injuries

R1SE has been filming their last variety show prior to their disbandment in June. On March 10, fans of R1SE member, Xia Zhiguang (夏之光), issued a notice stating he had suffered facial injuries while filming at an old and abandoned factory for the group’s variety show. They also claim Xia Zhiguang was not immediately sent to the hospital to properly sterilize and treat his injuries. Once the fan club found out about this, they immediately contacted Wajijiwa Entertainment, but haven’t heard back.

In light of Xia Zhiguang’s injuries, his fan club is asking Wajijiwa Entertainment to publicly apologize for not providing a safe environment for their artist to work in and not caring for his personal safety after the incident happened. They also want the company to reveal the real cause of Xia Zhiguang’s injuries.

After this started trending, Xia Zhiguang posted on Weibo and reported his safety. He wrote, “A boy who accidentally encountered a thorn, it accidentally scratched my face when I was defeating it. It’s nothing. It was immediately sterilized. I will take good care of myself.”

Credit: Weibo (1, 2)