Hans Zhang Says He Has Only Had Two Girlfriends in 10 Years

Hans Zhang (张翰) joined “Viva La Romance 5”, as an assistant on the variety show, “Viva La Romance 5” (妻子的浪漫旅行). On the latest episode, the wives are chatting with Hans Zhang, Betty Wu Xuanyi, and Tamia Liu. When Hans Zhang revealed that he only had two girlfriends in the course of 10 years, gymnast, Zhou Jie (周捷), was shocked. From her understanding and reading of online rumors, Zhou Jie mistakenly thought Hans Zhang would be a womanizer. However, Hans Zhang explained, “When I am in love, I love until the last moment.”

In fact, Hans Zhang really only had 2 publicly known girlfriends that w in the last 10 years. His most famous relationship is with Zheng Shuang, which lasted for 5 years. When they broke up, Zheng Shuang had lost a lot of weight. At the time, Hans Zhang had uploaded a Weibo story saying, “Since youth can’t be kept, how about a bowl of beef noodles?” Many fans criticized him asking how he could still be eating beef noodles when Zheng Shuang seemed to be suffering.

His second long term relationship was with Guli Nazha, which lasted for 3 years. It was even rumored the two were ready to be engaged. Years later, Hans Zhang was once again seen eating a bowl of beef noodles on “Viva La Romance 5”.

Credit: Weibo (1)