“Wu Xin: The Monster Killer” Co-stars, Elvis Han and Sebrina Chen, Rumored to be Dating

"Wu Xin The Monster Killer" Co-stars, Elvis Han and Sebrina Chen, Rumored to be Dating

After starring in the 2015 series, “Wu Xin: The Monster Killer” (无心法师), together, Elvis Han (韩东君)and Jin Chen (金晨) became a fan favorite CP and were rumored to be dating. However, they never addressed it until June 2016, where both of them wrote Weibo messages expressing they had broke up already. Five years later, Elvis Han and Sebrina Chen, who was also in “Wu Xin: The Monster Killer”, were spotted hanging out together.

On April 30, Elvis Han was spotted visiting Sebrina Chen (陈瑶), who is also signed to the same company, Tangren Media, on her latest series. When there was a break, Elvis Han and Sebrina Chen were seen going to the second floor resting on a sofa and eating snacks and playing games. According to the media, Elvis Han picked up Sebrina Chen from the film set that night and drove her home. The next day, it’s reported Sebrina Chen went to look for Elvis Han after she got off work. He was once again spotted bringing her home.

Neither party have addressed the dating rumors. While some netizens are congratulating them, some thik they are just good friends since they belong to the same company.

Credit: Weibo (1, 2, 3

2 thoughts on ““Wu Xin: The Monster Killer” Co-stars, Elvis Han and Sebrina Chen, Rumored to be Dating

  1. Like Elvis. If it is true, happy for him. If they are friends, it is fine too.

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