TNT’s Assistant Personally Brings Stalker Fans to Police Station

TNT's Assistant Personally Brings Stalker Fans to Police Station

Chinese boy band, TNT (时代少年团), has been growing popular very rapidly in the past 2 years. Since their debut, the group has been a victim of many stalker fan incidents that included stalking, changing their itineraries, following the members’ home, rummaging through their hotel rooms, and more.

There have been clashes between TNT members and these stalker fans with the most recent incident involving Ma Jiaqi (马嘉祺). He encountered stalker fans following him back home during Qingming Festival while paying respects to his ancestors. He got off the car and followed these people before they left in a taxi.

Ma Jiaqi

On May 2, there were reports TNT’s assistant had personally brought stalker fans to the police station. She called the police and drove a stalker fan straight to the police station. Pictures showed a few stalker fans covering their head while sitting in the car. It turns out three days ago, there were stalker fans who were camping outside a member’s home. When a staff member caught them, they said, “I didn’t know this is his home.” The staff member was was so angry that they started yelling and recorded them for evidence. Three days letter, they brought them directly to the police station.

Credit: Weibo (1, 2)