Kai Ko Once Thought about Marrying Ex-Girlfriend, Elva Hsiao

Kai Ko Once Thought about Marrying Ex-Girlfriend, Elva Hsiao

Taiwanese actor, Kai Ko (柯震東), recently did a live stream with friends and played truth or dare. Kai Ko, who is often in the news for his romantic life, was asked about his previous girlfriends, which included Elva Hsiao (蕭亞軒) and Tia Lee (李毓芬). One of the questions asked was, “Which one of your ex-girlfriends did you like the most?” He responded, “I think my company will kill me tomorrow.”

Kai Ko revealed that he had once wanted to marry “Ms. Hsiao” (Elva Hsiao) and said, “I really loved each one that I dated, each one that I admitted to.” However, Kai Ko said his mental growth was different in each subsequent relationship: “That’s why at the moment, I liked Ms. Lee the most”. When asked about his break up with “Ms. Lee” (Tia Lee), Kai Ko said, “It’s really because…I wasn’t good enough.” Afterwards, Kai Ko wrote on IG that he was scolded by his manager and company.

Elva Hsiao also responded to Kai Ko’s comments, saying, “His personality is this straightforward. The young people nowadays are really playful.” As for for the qualities he looks for in signifcant other, Kai Ko said, “I don’t have a type of liking baifumei (fair skin, rich, pretty) jiejies (older sisters), it’s just that everyone I meet just fit [that type], but I am very serious when I am dating, all dated for over 3 years. If I am dating, I will be very serious.”

Credit: ETtoday, Weibo (1, 2, 3)