Kris Wu’s Studio Takes Legal Action Against Movie Theater for Infringing on His Privacy and Those Spreading Rumors about Him “Renting Out Theater to Watch a Movie with Female”

Kris Wu's Studio Takes Legal Action Against Movie Theater for Infringing on His Privacy and Those Spreading Rumors about Him Renting Out Theater to Watch a Movie with Female

Kris Wu (吴亦凡) was trending on May 28 when a netizen made a Douban post on May 27 alleging he had rented out a movie theater for a date with a female companion. This person also released security footage allegedly of Kris Wu and a woman walking into the theater together. The original poster said it was a classmate’s coworker’s boss from a prior job that showed him the video.

Kris Wu Seemingly Responds to Latest Dating Rumors with a College Student and an Internet Celebrity

Shortly after, the hashtag, “Kris Wu rents out movie theater to watch a movie with female” was trending on Weibo. Netizens also started to dig up information about the female companion and is alleged to be an internet celebrity, Chen Ziyi (陈紫怡), known as “Xiao Yi Classmate”, born in 2003. She is also rumored to be the ex-girlfriend of “CHUANG 2019” trainee, Ryan Ren Shihao (任世豪). Aside from Kris Wu, “Xiao Yi Classmate” and “Ren Shihao” were also trending because of the rumors.

Hours later, Kris Wu’s studio reposted a Beijing law firm’s legal notice stating they had been hired by his studio to take legal action against the movie theater, Wanda Cinema (A location in Hangzhou), for suspicion of infringing on Kris Wu’s privacy rights and those taking advantage of this situation to further smear Kris Wu’s reputation.

The Beijing law firm said that based on the evidence provided by Kris Wu’s Studio, “Regarding the sharing of ‘Kris Wu rents out movie theater to watch a movie with female’ and any related news from today, and even the hot search situation, contains a lot of screenshots and gifs from internal security footage that obviously came from the business establishment has already seriously infringed on Mr. Kris Wu’s and his friends privacy rights.” The law firm also says some of the hot search discussion topics were insulting and defaming Kris Wu that has already impacted his reputation.

The notice also says the action of the staff member leaking the security footage and sharing the maliciously edited video, also led to online users who didn’t know the truth to leave negative comments about Kris Wu. For this, Kris Wu is asking for an apology and relevant compensation according to the law from the business entity and those who created the rumors.

Kris Wu’s studio also made three statements through the law firm:

  1. Kris Wu and his friends arrived at the theater one after the other. The staff member from the movie theater maliciously edited the video from the security footage that was taken out of context to show Kris Wu by himself entering the theater and after watching the movie to gain attention and attract views that led to negative comments about Kris Wu.
  2. Warned those who spread the related content to delete the posts.
  3. The law firm has already completed gathering evidence for this case and will sue and seek accountability from those who infringed on privacy rights and made defamatory comments.

Credit: Weibo (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

4 thoughts on “Kris Wu’s Studio Takes Legal Action Against Movie Theater for Infringing on His Privacy and Those Spreading Rumors about Him “Renting Out Theater to Watch a Movie with Female”

  1. For Your reputation? Lol joke on your bro. Your damn 30year old and you keep finding your self with these little ass girl drama. Get real with your self. Stop playing with them little girls emotion. You wonder why you can get a stable relationship. Come think about it are you still playing with Luna emotion too? Can you clear that out too? Oh also did you want get with mai mai from fourtry too? Since you like little girls that the big picture alright.

  2. his looks made me forget but he’s already 30 years old, so to be seen with an 03’er like that is a bit much…

    1. he wasnt even dating her chinese media just made up the entire stuff and the girl denied the rumours

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