Sarah Wang Defends Shawn Yue After He was Spotted Partying at Night Club and Talking to a Woman with His Hand on Her Shoulder

Sarah Wang Defends Shawn Yue After He was Spotted Partying at Night Club and Talking to a Woman with His Hand on Her Shoulder

Shawn Yue (余文樂) was one of the most eligible bachelors before he got married in 2017 to his Taiwanese wife, Sarah Wang (王棠云). Shortly after they had their first child, a son, in 2018, and then their daughter in December 2020. With the pandemic, Shawn Yue has been splitting his time between Taiwan and Hong Kong with his family. However, on June 3, Hong Kong news outlet,, got exclusive pictures of Shawn Yue partying at a night club during the pandemic. Shawn Yue was spotted chatting with a female companion and had his hand around her shoulder at one point.

It’s reported Shawn Yue and a few friends were at a club in Central on May 28 from midnight to 3 am. The person who leaked the story to said, “No one was wearing masks at the scene. At the time, a lot of girls were surrounding their table. They were all very young, around 20-25. They were whispering and hugging. Saw Shawn Yue was very happy.”

Shawn Yue was reportedly seen at another venue in Central. The same person claims Shawn Yue was once again surrounded by a bunch of girls. When he was sitting down, there were hands on shoulders, while laughing and drinking. They also danced in between.


After the reports came out, Shawn Yue’s wife, Sarah Wang, posted an IG story defending her husband. She wrote, “Ah-Le was just chatting with a jiejie. There is only one way to talk at a party, right? Or is there someone sending a text message? Maybe if you guys have other recommendations, tell me? I can try next time. I actually thought it was nothing originally, but it seems to be wasting too much of society’s resources and attention.”

Credit: hk01 (1, 2), Shawn Yue IG