Deng Lun Reveals What it Takes to Marry Him

Deng Lun Reveals What it Takes to Marry Him

On the latest episode of “Great Escape 3” (密室大逃脱3), Deng Lun (邓伦), Yang Mi, and Da Zhang Wei, are going through an obstacle. They pick up a phone call and is asked, “How to marry Deng Lun? Can you specifically talk about it a bit?” Deng Lun responded, “Confess to me and you’ll have a chance.”

However, Yang Mi said his response was too easy. So Deng Lun then asked, “What to do?”. So Yang Mi added, “Can’t be married to someone else”. Deng Lun agreed and changed his answer, “As long as you don’t marry someone else, then you have the chance to marry Deng Lun.” After the episode aired, fans started sliding into Deng Lun’s DMs on Instagram to shoot their shot.

Credit: Weibo (1, 2)

2 thoughts on “Deng Lun Reveals What it Takes to Marry Him

  1. Dude, that’s really unfair to us ladies that are already married with kids.

    Haha. Missed my chance.

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