Thai Actor, Toytoy Thanaphat, in Police Custody for Stabbing Girlfriend to Death

Around 1:30 am on August 6, the Khan Na Yao police station in Bangkok received a call about a stabbing death incident at a nearby residence. When the police arrived, they discovered the deceased was a 25 year old woman named Pim Chatsaran. They found her body lying beside the bed in the bedroom. There were over 20 stab wounds to her chest. The suspect is said to be her boyfriend, 21 year old Thai actor, Toytoy Thanaphat, who played “Zen” in the BL series, “Why R U?”. The police found a 5 inch fruit knife dripping with blood at the scene of the crime.

Toytoy Thanaphat was said to look panicky and explained to the police that he and his girlfriend were drinking beer downstairs. Around 10 pm, they both went back to their bedroom. Because of ToytoyThanaphat’s work in the entertainment industry, he and his girlfriend had an argument. She told him to pack his things and leave. ToytoyThanaphat said he started to pack up his things, but Pim Chatsaran wouldn’t forgive him. She rushed into the kitchen and took a knife. ToytoyThanaphat said in order to avoid getting injured, he tried to grab the knife. During their struggle fighting for the knife, he claimed to have accidentally stabbed her multiple times in the chest, which led to her death.

According to Thai reports, the police aren’t believing ToytoyThanaphat’s story about the cause of his girlfriend’s death and says his unilateral testimony is not enough to serve as evidence. The police took ToytoyThanaphat into custody for further questioning and investigation. Pim Chatsaran’s body will also be autopsied.

Toytoy Thanaphat getting arrested

There are reports saying the police discovered the deceased had over 4,000 fans.Pim Chatsaran had publicly shared a doctor’s note in July 2021 to prove she had depression. In 2019, she had once expressed that she was hurt by someone she loved, whether it was a previous boyfriend or her current boyfriend, it was always the same. This was one of the causes of her depression. Pim Chatsaran was also married once before.

The news of ToytoyThanaphat’s arrest soon made headlines in China too. ToytoyThanaphat was trending on Weibo with the hashtag, “Thai celebrity Toytoy murdered girlfriend”, and over 3 million mentions at one point. Later that day ToytoyThanaphat was brought to the hospital by the police to undergo a body check up. Before getting into the car, he said to the media: “I don’t need to say anything right now. Some people’s stories will be completely changed.”

Credit: Thailand Headlines, Toytoy IG

5 thoughts on “Thai Actor, Toytoy Thanaphat, in Police Custody for Stabbing Girlfriend to Death

  1. The number of stabs is proof this crime wasn’t an accident. His victim died. She won’t be getting a second chance at life. This criminal shouldn’t be given a second chance either. Lock him up forever!

    1. This is insane. She’s only 25 and her life was taken away in such a manner. I hope she R.I.P.

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