Several Celebrities File Police Reports After Rumors Started Circulating They Were Accomplices in Kris Wu’s Case

It has been 8 days since Kris Wu’s (吴亦凡) detainment by the Beijing Chaoyang District Police. There haven’t been much updates from the police since he was detained. All the public knows is he is still detained. At the same time, the government and Chinese social platforms have done a purge of Kris Wu’s accounts, his official fan club, and one of his biggest fan sites’ accounts. Several rumors involving drugs and Kris Wu’s condition in jail have been circulating around his case, including a rumor that there are 400GB worth of video evidence. It was rumored that Kris Wu had confessed to certain crimes and listed a bunch of celebrities as accomplices in his case. None of this has been officially reported or confirmed.

JJ Lin (林俊杰) and Wilber Pan (潘瑋柏) were two of the first celebrities who were dragged into rumors stating Kris Wu had already confessed to them being involved in drugs and prostitution. Aside from a random post naming them two, there were no other evidence to support these claims. JJ Lin and Wilber Pan both issued legal statements denying any involvement in these behaviors and named the accounts that started these rumors were going to be sued.

On August 3, more celebrities, such as Jing Boran (井柏然), Fan Bingbing (范冰冰), He Jiong (何炅), and Bao Bei’er (包贝尔), were all dragged into similar rumors. Jing Boran was rumored to be part of the same group with JJ Lin and Wilber Pan involved with drugs, prostitution, and “selecting girls” for Kris Wu.

Fan Bingbing was rumored to have gone to mountainous areas under the guise of doing charity work, but was really “selecting girls” for Kris Wu. Instead of issuing legal statements, Jing Boran and Fan Bingbing’s studios stated they had collected evidence and immediately went to the police to file a police report against these serious allegations.

Jing Boran shared a post with a geotag that he was at a police station in Beijing on his WeChat Moments: “Came to file a police report, the innocent will prove themselves to be innocent.”
Fan Bingbing’s studio said they have already collected evidence and called the police.

He Jiong and Bao Baei’er were also involved in similar rumors. He Jiong’s studio showed an official document from the police stating they had already accepted his case for defamation. On August 4, Bao Bei’er’s studio stated they had inquired with their lawyer and decided to file a police report.

On August 4, a verdict was reached in favor of Angelababy’s defamation case against an entertainment blogger, “新娱小王子” (lit. “New Entertainment Little Prince”). The blogger constantly fabricated and spread false rumors about Angelababy without any merit to profit from increased site traffic and commercial resources. Some of the rumors included fabricating content about Angelababy cheating with Kris Wu while filming “FOUR TRY” together. One other rumor said Angelababy and Kris Wu had met up for a date late at night. Angelababy won the case and was awarded with a public apology from the defendant and 60,000 RMB in damages and fees.


Credit: Weibo (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12)

4 thoughts on “Several Celebrities File Police Reports After Rumors Started Circulating They Were Accomplices in Kris Wu’s Case

  1. Lmaoooo that rumors abt angelababy cheating with kris wu is wack like we already know kris goes after only young girls so what makes them think he’s going to go after an older woman?? Good thing angela won…

  2. Why this mess feels like the CN version of Burning Sun scandal? The more you dig deep, the more mess is being shown to the public.. just hope that this will have a better outcome than the Burning Sun lol

  3. These rumors seems a bit far fetched. Why would FBB or JBR help Kris Wu find these girls? Kris Wu isn’t powerful or rich enough for these two to run errands for him. In fact, Kris Wu is a nobody in China without his fandom.

    1. I think they’re looped in for drug related charges not the assault cases, but either way there has been no witnesses or any evidence of anyone other than Wu’s team involved in his garbage.

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