Kenneth Ma and Natalie Tong Joke about Intense Bed Scenes in New Series

Kenneth Ma and Natalie Tong Joke about Intense Bed Scenes in New Series

Kenneth Ma (馬國明), Natalie Tong (唐詩詠), Joel Chan (陳山聰), Tiffany Lau (劉穎鏇), Moon Lau (劉佩玥), and more attended the blessing ceremony for their new series, “隱形戰隊” (lit. Invisible Battle Team), on August 18. This is already the nth time Kenneth Ma and Natalie Tong have collaborated with each other. The story focuses on the fierce battles between counter-terrorism elite forces and criminals.

The producer of the series, Jazz Boon (文偉鴻), revealed Kenneth Ma and Natalie Tong had an intense bed scene that broke the the bed. Natalie Tong said, “I went to the gym 5 times a week and my stamina improved, but I didn’t think the action scenes would happen on bed. Kenneth Ma said the bed scenes were very intense, “It didn’t just dismantle the bed, it also dismantled the window, but it’s a funny bed scene.”

Natalie Tong revealed the props coordinator told them not to use so much strength. She said the bed scenes were really hard to shoot, “It went from the door to the living room back to the bedroom. It was a huge challenge and we couldn’t break anything, but had to be intense too. It was very strategic.”

As for the rumors about her leaving TVB because she was unsatisfied with her development, Natalie Tong denied them once again. She said the reports weren’t true and doesn’t know when her contract ends. When the time is near to renewal, someone will remind her.

Credit:, TVB