Where is Vicki Zhao Right Now After Being Canceled?

Where is Vicki Zhao Right Now After Being Canceled?

Since August 26, Vicki Zhao Wei’s (赵薇) career was on hold when all her works were taken down from Chinese streaming platforms and her name removed from the cast list of her works without any explanation. While her personal and studio’s Weibo accounts are still operational without any bans, it would seem that Vicki Zhao is already on the verge of being blacklisted.

Many questions have yet to be answered. Why was Vicki Zhao targeted? Where is she right now? Where is her husband and daughter? Rumors surfaced that she fled to France and is laying low at her vineyard in Bordeaux with her husband, Huang Youlong (黄有龙). There was even a rumor that Vicki Zhao was wanted by Interpol after they issued a Red Notice for her.

Someone looked up Vicki Zhao’s name on the Interpol website, which didn’t return any results.

On August 29, it was reported Vicki Zhao had updated three pictures on Instagram and said, “Chatting together with dad and mom, it’s like I’ve never grown up before. So great.”. Vicki Zhao also responded to a netizen about Beijing’s first autumn seemingly hinting that she was still in China. However, that post was later deleted. Vicki Zhao also updated her Instagram bio with “Hahaha”, which sounds like she is unbothered by her current predicament.

As for her 11 year old daughter, there are reports that she is currently studying at the Singapore International School in Hong Kong. However, there were no news about her whereabouts after Vicki Zhao’s scandal.

Credit: Weibo (1)