INTO1 Members Wish Rikimaru a Happy 28th Birthday

INTO1 Member, Rikimaru, celebrated his 28th birthday on November 2. It’s been a while since we’ve heard from Rikimaru as he is still in Japan nursing his health from getting surgery on his waist back in August. He’s been on hiatus since August 23.

So it was a nice surprise when Rikimaru made a birthday post updating everyone on his condition.

He also updated a little dance clip to celebrate his birthday.

Rikimaru’s fellow INTO1 members also wished him a happy birthday:

Liu Yu: “Happy birthday, Rikimaru, you must be happy everyday! The bros are waiting for your return.”

Santa: Wishing my bro, Rikimaru a happy birthday! Hope you can be every day, especially today! Get well soon!”

Nine: Happy birthday, Riki~ Wish you’re happy, eating well everyday, sleeping well, and your body to recover soon! Miss you~”

Zhang Jiayuan: Rikimaru, bro, happy birthday! Take good care of your body. Will take you to eat authentic guo bao you next time!”

Patrick: Wish you a happy birthday big bro, Riki. Hope you are happy everyday, I miss you!”

AK: Rikimaru-laoshi, happy birthday! Be happy everyday! You have to protect your body well!”

Credit: Weibo (1)