Celebrity Photographer, Chen Man, Apologizes Over Backlash and Criticisms She “Uglified Chinese People” in Her Dior Photoshoot

Chinese photographer, Chen Man (陈漫), is a celebrity in her own right who has worked with many top stars. She was in the hot seat recently because of a photoshoot she did for a Dior campaign. This picture was deemed by Chinese netizens as “intentionally uglifying Chinese people” and the use of Western stereotypes to slander Asians.

Chen Man seemingly addressed the criticism in a Facebook post from November 19 with the picture and the title, “Let’s talk about cultural confidence and artistic exaggeration”. It seemed Chen Man was indirectly saying that the work was done in the name of artistic expression. However, this only spurned on further backlash from netizens.

On November 23, Chen Man addressed the backlash directly in an apology post, saying, “I deeply reflected and feel guilty about my childishness and ignorance at the time. I think I must also officially apologize to everyone.” Chen Man also emphasized that she was a born and bred Chinese native and “deeply loves the motherland”. She also said that as an artistic worker, she has the duty to “record and spread Chinese culture and use my own works to present the beauty of China”.

Chen Man also apologized for an older piece of work she did for the “Young Pioneers“, which was deemed inappropriate and suitable for the theme.

Following Chen Man’s apology, Dior also apologized and stated they have deleted and took down all related content from that campaign once the public stated their opinions on the matter.

Credit: Weibo (1, 2, 3, 4)