BY2’s Yumi Admits to Dating Wang Leehom, But Denies Coming Between His Marriage with Lee Jinglei

Lee Jinglei (李靚蕾) imposed a 3pm deadline for Wang Leehom (王力宏) to publicly apologize or else she will take legal action against him and his father for defamation. Wang Leehom didn’t apologize. The spotlight has turned to BY2’s Yumi (孙雨) after she posted her version of her relationship with Wang Leehom.

On December 18, BY2’s studio posted a police report that was filed on behalf of Yumi for defamation. This action was taken after Lee Jinglei’s initial long essay that further implicated Yumi as one of the persons rumored to be cheating with Wang Leehom. This prompted a response strong response from Lee Jinglei, saying, “Please give me the contact information for the police. I will provide the evidence. Thank you.”

On December 19, BY2’s studio updated a change in their schedule. Their live stream recording for December 19-21 was canceled, which netizens suspect was affected by Wang Leehom’s divorce case. However, the post was later deleted.

In Yumi’s response on December 19, she said they privately sent the police contact information to Lee Jinglei as they were instructed by the police not to publicly reveal details to the case to avoid forming public opinion. 1

1. “I never came between Mr. Wang Leehom and Ms. Lee Jinglei’s marriage.”

Yumi said in Lee Jinglei’s response to Wang Leehom’s father, she revealed their marital issues started after Wang Leehom’s 2019 mini Taipei concert. “In 2019, I practically didn’t have Mr. Wang Leehom’s WeChat, because prior to this, Mr. Wang Leehom and I had mutually deleted each other as WeChat friends earlier on.”

2. “Mr. Wang Leehom and I never had any inappropriate relations. I was his official girlfriend before he got married.”

Yumi revealed she and Wang Leehom started dating in 2012. “Even though it’s been a long time since, but it was unforgettable. I was 20 at the time and cherished relationships and was also very stubborn and strong-minded. Due to work, we were often in different locations during the time we dated. We shared intimate photos. The 20 year old me was willing to sacrifice anything for love. I cherished the time we’ve spent together. There was happiness, fights, and all the sweet talking and heartbreak like any ordinary couple. To my knowledge, Ms. Lee was his official dating partner starting from October 2013.”

Yumi then says Lee Jinglei shouldn’t mislead everyone thinking she and Wang Leehom were dating and had an intimate relationship after they got married. She then shows a screenshot of Wang Leehom reportedly telling her he was dating someone else, dated October 16, 2013. Yumi said she was shocked and heartbroken, but also congratulated him and gave him his Christmas present that she had already prepared in October.

​Yumi said she cried when she found out about Wang Leehom and Lee Jinglei’s marriage on November 27, 2013. “But I convinced myself over and over again, at his age, it’s very reasonable for him to get married and settle down quickly. Even if the other person isn’t me.” She also said to herself, “The person I love can be happy and I can be that person’s ‘best ex’. I was so naive to think that we broke up amicably or perhaps even contact each other from time to time and be ordinary friends.”

3. “I am not chasing clout and never thought about relying on men either.”

Yumi said if she was trying to gain clout, she would’ve publicized their past relationship when Wang Leehom announced his marriage. “If I needed to rely on men, then I should’ve chosen to get married and have kids during the height or the lowest of my career.

Yumi then references a line from Lee Jinglei’s statement about not being lucky like her to have received higher education and that she had to provide for her family at a young age. “In any relationship, I’ve never defined myself as a weak girl to get sympathy and attention.”

4. “Instagram group photo incident”

“The whole world is saying the group photo is the concrete evidence of me coming between Mr. Wang’s marriage in 2015. However, this photo was taken in May 2013. The friends at the scene can all bear witness. In 2015, we had both already deleted each other as WeChat friends.

As for why I suddenly posted an old picture from 2013 in 2015, it’s because I was fighting with my boyfriend at the time. I was childish at the moment and wanted to get him mad, but afterwards, I felt it was wrong. So I limited to make it viewable to myself only. Now that I think about it, posting old picture is indeed very childish. If this was the cause of the misunderstanding, I express my apologies.”

It’s reported Yumi was dating Mario Ho (何猷君) from December 2014 to December 2015.

5. “Regarding my principles and bottom line after the scandal”

Yumi explains she she cherished her relationship with Wang Leehom, which is why she kept the chat records to this day. She was surprised when the news about someone impersonating as her friend leaked their relationship as she said very little knew about them dating. She said Wang Leehom had previously confessed to Lee Jinglei that they had a serious relationship.

“If you were really my best friend, you should know my personal conduct the best. I can’t possibly come between someone’s marriage. My father passed away at 15, I’ve never forgotten his instructions. He wanted my sister and I to remember God rewards hard work, always work hard. He also asked of us that we must remember having a clear conscience, can’t let people say you have a father that gave birth to you, but not a father to nurture you. I really have been doing this all along. I’ve worked hard to practice dance and use skills to prove myself. Even if the whole world thinks I am a woman without self-respect because my taste in men is bad and I can’t defend myself, I can say with a clear conscience, never.

6. “Regarding calling the police in the middle night on the 18th”

Yumi explained she went to the police station to sign papers and give her fingerprint to provide evidence against netizens maliciously slandering her relationship with a Hollywood friend and rumors she gave birth to his son, rumors that she and her sister aren’t getting along, and yxh (marketing accounts) saying she is a mistress.
“Netizens said if I have a clear conscience, I should’ve called the cops earlier to handle this. Because of this, I went. Afterwards, during the time I attended filming for a variety show, Ms. Lee reposted the studio’s post, the war escalated.”

7. “Regarding my response”

“Emphasize once again, I’ve never come between Mr. Wang and Ms. Lee’s marriage. During Mr. Wang’s marriage, I have a clear conscience.”

Yumi said friends urged her not to respond anymore. They said she was foolish and was being taken advantage of. She said Lee Jinglei is a highly educated woman and represents the power of the new independent woman. “Standing on the opposite side of her, no one would believe me, help me.”

“Lastly, I truly hope Mr. Wang and Ms. Lee can quickly negotiate and resolve their family issues so that no more people will be dragged into this.”

Credit: Weibo (1)

3 thoughts on “BY2’s Yumi Admits to Dating Wang Leehom, But Denies Coming Between His Marriage with Lee Jinglei

  1. WLH is so sloppy, reading between the lines of Yumi’s statement, he was totally two-timing both Yumi and LJL in 2013 and he broke up with Yumi by text, what a tool

    1. lol i just think that is lee jing lei being to nosy abt it because its between 2012 to 2013 so long already still wanna complaint what its his ex gf

      1. how is it being nosy if she was being cheated on by him and allegedly the two of them continued their affair even after lee jing lei got married to wlh

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