Lee Jinglei Reveals WhatsApp Message Seemingly of BY2’s Yumi Using a Racy Profile Pic to Contact Wang Leehom After Their Breakup

The saga of Wang Leehom (王力宏) and Lee Jinglei’s (李靚蕾) divorce case has taken another turn. One of the major rumors that set off this scandal started with a netizen claiming that Wang Leehom was cheating on his wife and BY2’s Yumi (孙雨) back in 2013. While both have denied the rumors, Yumi filed a police report for defamation. On December 19, Yumi finally addressed the rumors looming about her role in coming between Wang Leehom and Lee Jinglei’s marriage.

Yumi admitted she started dating Wang Leehom in 2012, but the relationship ended when Wang Leehom told her he was seeing someone in October 2013. Shortly after, Wang Leehom announced his marriage with Lee Jinglei. Yumi congratulated him and said they had deleted each other as WeChat friends in 2015. She emphasized she was Wang Leehom’s official girlfriend while they were dating and never came between his marriage.

However, shortly after Yumi posted her statement, Lee Jinglei responded back, “@BY2_Yumi said, “In 2015, we had already deleted each other as WeChat friends.”, because…afterwards, switched to using WhatsApp and especially changed to a nude profile pic…haven’t slept in a few days. Let me sleep today. Will talk about the rest tomorrow.”

The message was dated August 6, 2015, contradicting what Yumi said about not being in contact.

Lee Jinglei made another response and referenced a few points from Yumi’s statement: “Mr. Wang once said he confessed to Ms. Lee that we had a serious relationship before.”. Lee Jinglei said that never happened. She expressed, “Mr. Wang told me in 2012, you were just a ‘friend’ that he had sexual relations with. It’s normal for a ‘friend’ to have flirtatious conversations. Seeing the so-called ‘break-up’ conversation you provided, Wang: ‘I met someone lately and started dating. Thought I should let u know.’. You: ‘Congratulations’. Looking at this, it doesn’t seem like the conversation an ‘official couple’ would have when they break up.

We were together most of the time in 2013. At that time, we decided to get married and we were already living together for a few months. Prior to that, he would always openly keep me by his side and officially introduce me to family and friends/colleagues/and even business associates. All this is my perception of what ‘officially dating’ means.”

Lee Jinglei had previously mentioned in her first statement about one of Wang Leehom’s hookup partners that sent him nude pictures and flirtatious messages even after they were married. She also said this person posted about him on Instagram and even referred to him as “Homhom”.

Credit: Weibo (1, 2), Yumi IG

4 thoughts on “Lee Jinglei Reveals WhatsApp Message Seemingly of BY2’s Yumi Using a Racy Profile Pic to Contact Wang Leehom After Their Breakup

  1. while i think it’s plausible that Yumi was involved with Leehom while he was with LJL, I find it hard to believe the person in the whatsapp chat is her. No celebrity is going to use a nude photo of themselves and attach their name to it. When it comes to social media, many of them use pseudonyms for a layer of anonymity.

  2. That nude profile fic…how does it work? Is it an exclusive whatsapp account to chat with him or was she openly using a nude profile pic with her friends and family?

  3. Wow this is truly the gift that keeps giving – 12 days of Christmas! haha. I really feel sorry for LJL – hope this isn’t too triggering for her to have to re-live all of this while in the public spotlight. Leehom really needs to come clean and apologise.

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