Linda Chung Missed Out On “Best Actress” Once Again, but Won Hearts of Malaysian Viewers

Since Linda Chung’s (鍾嘉欣) return to Hong Kong, there was speculation that she was coming back to claim the “Best Actress” award at the 2021 TVB Anniversary Awards (萬千星輝頒獎典禮2021). Even though Linda Chung clarified that she was back in Hong Kong to take care of some personal matters, many netizens couldn’t help but choose her as the favorite to win the award.

Linda Chung was up against Ali Lee, Rosina Lam, Mandy Wong, and Claire Yiu. Ultimately, Linda Chung lost out the award to Rosina Lam. Linda Chung has reportedly been nominated 12 times for “Best Actress”, but has never won once at the TVB Anniversary Awards. However, Linda Chung did win the TVB Star Awards Malaysia for Favorite TVB Actress for her role in “Kids’ Lives Matter” (星空下的仁醫). This is Linda Chung’s second time winning the award and her third nomination.

After the awards ceremony, Linda Chung was met with some fans that comforted her saying she will always be their best actress. When the media asked if she felt disappointed on losing out again, Linda Chung responded, “None at all. I am very thankful to be able to participate in the awards ceremony. I’ve said previously I don’t know when I can come back again. I might not be able to go on this awards stage again. So I was mentally prepared for today. I’ve been in the industry for so many years, I was very aware. Once I was on stage, I already guessed it. After getting the Malaysian award, I already said I don’t know if I’ll get the chance to go on this stage again. All the nominees were my colleagues once and also my friends. I’ve filmed series for so long, I know a lot of hard work needs to be invested to have a stable position. Any actor who gets an award has invested their work.”

Linda Chung also emphasized that it doesn’t matter who won. She said she used to feel very nervous when she attended the awards show as she cared a lot about getting an award when she was younger. Since becoming a mother, Linda Chung said her heart is much stronger and and she can actually enjoy the show now. She also sincerely congratulated all the winners.

Linda Chung also revealed her husband in Canada stayed up at 4am local time to watch her. He said Linda Chung was very pretty and “very yummy”. However, he also said Linda Chung was “naughty” because she looked tired.
