Nancy Wu Tests Positive for COVID-19, Co-Star, Moses Chan, Self-Quarantines on Home Balcony

Hong Kong’s fifth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic has reached an alarming rate. The surge in cases has led to the city’s tight restrictions and even led to TVB shutting down filming for a week due to artists and staff members testing positive. Artists that have tested positive include: Kalok Chow, Law Lok-lam, Joey Thye, and Crystal Fung.

On February 28, it was reported Nancy Wu (胡定欣) had also tested positive for COVID. Nancy Wu uploaded an IG story on March 1 saying she is slowly recovering after resting for a few days. Moses Chan (陳豪), who is filming a new series with Nancy Wu, tested negative. However, for precautionary measures, he has been quarantining on the balcony of his home. Aimee Chan (陳茵媺) shared a video of Moses Chan’s make-shift quarantine area on the balcony of their water view home.

Credit: hk01, IG (1, 2)